America's favorite party girl has been ordered to jail, and her stay there will be no trip to the Hilton. LOL.
Paris Hilton blogs from prison. Or? I think it is someone else, making fun of her.
Paris Hilton´s Prison Diary.
Believe it or not.
Anyhow, I dont think that Diary will continue for long time. Ackording to the Swedish Svenska Dagbladet Paris Hilton will be released from jail next week: the last days of June.
Andra bloggar om: Paris Hilton, fängelse, kändis, kändisar, celebs, celebrities, blogg, dagbok, blogga, blog, blogs, weblog, weblogs
1 comment:
Not really.
According to Svenska Dagbladet, Paris is due to be released on june 26th.
Not exactly the last day of june.
Not according to my calendar, anyway.
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